Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Benefit of Having Cell Phone in school

There are so many advantages about cell phones and out of all the reasons; the most important reasons are that it make possible for parents and kids to keep in touch with each other.  Cell phones are very useful to children. The uses of a cell phones are part of learning how to use technology for the future. Cell phones are electronic devices that children have to use in the future so why not prepare them for the upcoming. We are in time of new invention and many things are happening as well as crimes. Each year the rates of children missing are increasing and the numbers of children kidnapped are enormously growing. Because of that, parents wanted to keep in touch with their children and wanted to know every step that their children are taking. In this competitive generation, parents are so caught up with their jobs that sometimes they don’t even have time to go home, and spend some quality time with their family. Some parent are single and they struggled to survive, so they do not have time to check in with their children. The easiest way to communicate with their children is through cell phones. Even if they do not have time to go home, they can call them or they can track the kids’ cell phones using GPS. “65% of parents snoop on kids’ smartphones, and 29% track their location.” (Koetsier). Because of cell phones, parents know exactly where the child are and where they should be. It could happen that the parent called them while the children were in class, but they could text messaging them.  Also, the children could contact with their parent through text messaging if they need lunch money or forgot the project or homework assignment that was due; the parent can drop off their homework. Another thing that is beneficial about having cell phones is that it could be used for educational things like research, projects, and calculators. Nowadays, all smart phones or most cell phones have access to the internet. The students could go to their cell phone and find out certain things that they don’t know. They could check their grades using their cell phones. Sometimes teachers post homework on their website and important dates so that the students could access their websites. As a result, there would be fewer excuse from the students. “More than one out of three middle school students report they are using smartphones (39%) and tablets (31%) to do homework.” According to the research done by TRU, most of the children are using cell phones to complete their school assignments. 


Koetsier, John. "65% of Parents Snoop on Kids’ Smartphones, and 29% Track Their location." VentureBeat. VB News, 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.

Nielsen, Lisa. "Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Finally! Research-based Proof That Students Use Cell Phones for LEARNING." Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Finally! Research-based Proof That Students Use Cell Phones for LEARNING. N.p., 16 Feb. 2013. Web. 03 Mar. 2015.


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